It used to be that anyone who was interested in herbal remedies or alternative
medicine was looked at as though they were a bit "kooky" in spite of the fact
that practitioners of eastern medicines have used such cures for thousands of
years. But that's no longer the case. In fact, herbal remedies or alternative
medicine has become a billion dollar a year business.
Which means that if you're lookng for information about herbal remedies, you can
find plenty of information - the problem is finding reliable information about
plant-based herbs that work. One surprising source these days is your own doctor.
Many doctors these days are becoming trained in the use and integration of
alternative healing methods. And, if nothing else, it's always a good idea to let
your doctor know what herbal remedies you're using, as it's entirely possible that
something you're taking can be contra-indicated with other medications. (Remember
that many synthetic based medications are based on herbs).
Here are a few things you need to know before begining any alternative treatment
"Natural" doesn't mean "Safe"One of the most dangerous misconceptions people have about herbal remedies is that
just because a product is all natural, that it's harmless. This is not always true -
a good case in point is "ephedra." It was very popular for weight loss not that long
ago, but eventually it was banned when its dangerous side effecs were discovered.
And as mentioned earlier, combining certain medications with herbal remedies can be
dangerous - and this includes both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
Herbal treatments come in many different formsJust like with many synthetic medications, herbal remedies often come in different forms - sometimes in pill or capsule form, to make them easier to take and tolerate. There are also tinctures (which is a strong liquid "tonic" put on or under the tongue using an eye dropper.) Many herbal remedies come in tea form. Still others can be used in cooking or eaten fresh. And there are also herbs that are refined into essential oils and used on the skin or heated and used in the air.
Which herb you use and the reason you're using it will determine what form you should
be using.
Some herbal remedies are as effective as synthetic medicationThis is a well-known "secret" that almost everyone knows. Probably the best known
case of an herbal supplement being as effective as a prescription medication is the
herbal remedy for depression. In study after study, St. John's wort has been proven
to be equally effective for the treatment of mild to moderate depression as any
prescription antidepressants - and it doesn't have all the side effects of the prescription drugs. (Warning: Never take St. John's Wort with prescription antidepressants, because they have serious side effects when combined.)
Peppermint is another herbal remedy that has long been used to treat an upset stomach
just as well as over-the-counter drugs. Raspberry tea, and ginger root tea are both
effective for pregnant women in treating nausea and morning sickness.
These days you have a much wider range of choices for maintaining your health than ever before. If you are ready to consider herbal remedies, make sure that you spend the time to become well-educated about what is available, the forms it comes in and the possible side effects. There are plenty of well-qualified alternative medical practitioners these days and remember to always let your doctor know what you're taking before beginning any treatment to maximize their effectiveness and minimize risk.