Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Importance of Taking it Easy

One of the most important things you can do for your physical and emotional health is to plan for some downtime in your life.

Taking the time to stop and smell the roses will keep your mind and body sharp and lower your stress levels.

I found an interesting post on another blog that talks about how so many people these days plan their vacations online - everything from doing the actual research to booking airline reservations and hotels.

The other thing that you should remember when planning your vacation is to consider what type of vacation you want to take. Think about what makes you relax and enjoy yourself.

For example, you might want to get back to nature - and take a trip to the mountains, where you can hike, backpack and commune with nature. (Personally, my idea of roughing it is when you go to a hotel where room service stops at 10 and housekeeping doesn't put those little chocolate mints on your pillow when they come in to turn down your bed.) But, some people actually like that type of vacation.

For me, having all the latest modern conveniences is a necessary part of any vacation I take. I like having a soft bed, running water and real toilets.

So whether you like quiet vacations in a small village by the sea, staying at a pied-de-terre in a thriving metropolis or camping in the wilderness, try to plan at least one vacation a year. And remember, a vacation can also be just overnight - or even for a few hours, as long as you're doing something that relaxes your mind and renews your spirit.

Monday, July 9, 2007

My Ah-Ha Moment Happened - I understand what I want to be when I grow up!

It's funny how those "Ah-Ha" moments sometimes sneak up on you. The light bulb goes off, there's a sudden shift of perspective, and all of a sudden, things that were murky become clear.

That's what happened to me last night - or rather, early this morning. I've been really struggling with my "what's next" - what do I want to spend the rest of my working life doing? What am I passionate about, and what gets me excited enough to want to spend my time on it?

I've got a great business, and it started out as something that I loved. (I teach people how to create a business strategy that will give them the lifestyle that they want, help them figure out how much business capital they need and show them how and where to connect to the people and programs that can help them get those resources.) And that branched out into doing writing - which started as writing business plans and proposals, and then moved into copywriting and ghostwriting.

And, because I'm here, on the French Riviera, and we travel a lot, I also started doing some travel writing. And of course, blogging.

But I still felt like I was floundering around in a pool of quicksand.

I'm passionate about all of those things, and I love doing them. But I still wasn't sure if any of it was what I was "meant" to do.

And then last night, I did a special vision meditation before I went to sleep. (If that's too woo-woo for you, in more logical terms, I started really thinking about what I want to be when I grow up.)

And I had a dream - and in the dream, I was lost - but when I was found - the wise woman who found me and was leading me back to civilization and I had a long conversation - and I was telling her about my adventures. And she stopped and looked at me with a smile, and said "So now you know what you forgot - you are meant to be a story teller."

And it's really that simple.

And it's true.

I am a teller of stories. I've always been a collector and a teller of tales. When I worked for different nonprofit organizations, one of the reasons that we got such large grants was because we told the stories of the people who were struggling to get out of survival mode and who wanted to make changes in their lives.

And when I started working with small business owners to help them write business proposals or grants - one of the reasons they got approved for funding was because of the way we told the story of their businesses.

And even now, as a copywriter and ghostwriter - I'm still telling the stories that need to be told.

Wow - I feel like someone gave me the key to a door that has been locked for most of my life - and behind that door was the answer to the greatest and most wonderful of mysteries - and yet, now that I've opened it - I'm delighted with the simplicity of what is my truth - about who I am, and what I do.

I am a story teller.

Friday, July 6, 2007

French Riviera Beach Scene

This was taken before the summer vacation officially started - the beaches were relatively uncrowded - which, unluckily isn't the case any more.

However, the weather is gorgeous (we get about 300 days of sunshine here), and the water is a perfect way to fight the heat.

And although most women here started getting suntans back in May, I don't see much sign of leather skin, or hear of problems with skin cancer. People are very conscious of the need to take care of their skin and use sunblocks and make sure they add lots of moisture as well.

It's a completely different attitude here than it is in the states and I've gotten used to being in the sun again, and not worrying about it so much.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The real secret to resistance exercises

While I was shopping at the market this morning, I noticed this woman who was carrying a baby - the baby couldn't have been more than three or four months old - and she looked great - especially her upper arms. (Lately mine have kept waving after I'm finished, you know?)

And I realized something - she's carting around something that weighs the equivalent of 20 or 30 pounds! Any mother has done it - and as your children got older - and heavier, you probably still spent time carrying them.

So why, I can't help wondering have I been so worried about lifting heavier weights in my resistance training program? I mean, sure, I don't want to end up looking like Arnold - but when my kids were babies I carried them every day - sometimes for several hours a day - and never ended up being mistaken for the fact, my arms looked really good back then - very sculpted, lots of definition.

So I did a little research, and asked my favorite weight loss guru, and it turns out that using heavier weights - for shorter, more intense periods of time, will actually help build muscle - and increase definition - but not bulk you out.

So, I'm going to try it. I'll keep you informed on how it's working. As long as I can get back to where the skin under my arms quits waving when I do, I'll be happy...

New Year's Resolution Check - Half the Year is Over

I don't know about you, but sometimes one of the most overlooked aspects in life of a woman "of that certain age" is her heath. Millions of Americans make New Year's resolutions that they have forgotten about by February. And this goes on year after year.

How do I know? I keep a goal diary - with a list of the things that I want to accomplish. Mine is a little different than most people's probably, because I don't make my New Year's Resolutions in January, I do them in November about a week before my birthday. That's my time for looking over my life for the past year and planning for the future. Why am I bringing this up in July?

Well, right now I am in the middle of trying to make room for the latest mail bag of books that I had sent over from the states, and I happened to run across my book. And guess what goal has consistently been in it for the last 5 years? To lose those last, stubborn 10 pounds! (Ugh!)

But, I'm not the only one who doesn't manage to keep their goals each year - in fact, a lot of us generally end up adding on a few more pounds before the next January 1st rolls

This is a terrible habit that will have major repercussions the older we get. In fact, whether we like it or not, a major part of living well and feeling great is personal fitness.

What kind of shape are you currently in? I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that you
(like me) could be in better shape. Hey, it all starts with a little motivation! And I am inviting
you to jump on the physical fitness bandwagon with me, and lets see what we can do about it! I know summer's here - which actually makes it easier for me, because of the huge cornucopia of really delicious fresh fruits and vegetables that are available right now. But no matter what our current habits are, there's almost always room for improvement, and there's no time like the present!

Everyone knows that working out and eating healthy leads to a healthier body. The better
your diet is and the leaner your body, the more energy you are likely to have. I can't
stress enough how good being in shape can make you feel. It's a physical and emotional

Because when your personal fitness levels are up-to-par, you not only have more
strength and energy, but you also have more confidence. You know that you look great and
that you can do things like head down to the beach in a swimsuit or wear less clothing in

But when you're overweight, you feel the need to cover up and hide from the world.
This can often lead to depression and feelings of regret. Well, I say NO MORE!

It's time to put more time and effort into our personal fitness schedules.

So this is where I'm going to begin.

I took my desktop calendar, and I'm choosing five of those days to exercise every week, throughout the month of July.

Because July is a busy month (including the week when we're going to go to the mountains to get away from the heat), I'm having to fit the exercise in around our schedule. So sometimes I will be exercising on the weekends, and sometimes not.

Now, to get started you may want to try three days of cardio and two days of weight training,
alternating days. For me, because my arthritis is still an issue, I'm going to have to take it slow and easy on both the cardio - swimming is about the only cardio I can do right now) and strength training, but I'm going to do it.

Remember - having a regular personal fitness regimen will get your body in shape the way it's supposed to be year-round. Being in great shape is NOT just a summer thing - and just because summer's here shouldn't be an excuse for putting it off!

Eating right is imperative. You need a balance of good carbs, proteins and vitamins.
Typically you can consume as many vegetables as you please.

We need like 8 a day, so go for it. As far as proteins go, try lean poultry and fish. Then with good carbs, shoot for brown rice, whole grain breads and low-fat granola. And I know, none of this is news to you - or to me. But the truth is, the older we get, the more personal fitness relies on your diet. Without a nutritious one, you're doomed before you start!

I hope you'll join me on this personal fitness quest. Feel free to post on the blog and let me know how you're doing!

Talk soon!